At Elliss Wealth, we care about our clients
We take the time to understand what matters to you and what drives you.
We believe that each person has their own individual values and definition of success.
We focus on finding the right strategy for you and do not push products - in house or otherwise.
We access the expertise of investment managers who monitor investment markets on a daily basis, allowing us to spend more time with you and to better understand your goals.
We add value.
- freedom of choice
- less stress
- connection and time with the people you love
- to be in a position to help your community and help the causes you feel most strongly about
- to be in control
- to provide for your loved ones
Why Choose Us?
Specialist Strategic Advisory Services
Our advice ensures you have the right strategy to achieve your goals at the right time. Strategies consider your lifestyle and financial goals, alternative structures and investment vehicles, tax and gearing considerations, and cashflow monitoring and budgeting to achieve financial independence - you choose when you want to retire and have freedom of investment and lifestyle decision making.
Critical to meeting your goals is to get advice first (consider your alternatives, your preferences and your circumstances), product is a subsequent consideration and can be provided at your request.
Cash Flow Modelling & Budgeting
We help you solve the biggest obstacle to you not achieving your financial goals. In our experience, this is the biggest single factor in determining your financial independence. We help you to develop and more importantly to maintain good spending and saving habits.
Comprehensive Insurance
Insurance policies can ONLY make a payment to you when it meets a condition of your policy. If your policy is sub-standard you may receive a lesser payment or no payment at all.
We work together with you to ensure you have cover that meets your preferences and your budget.
Access to a Wide Range of Insurers
We are your advocates and are privately owned. For every client we undertake a full analysis of the market to obtain the most comprehensive cover for you, with the most favourable terms. We regularly monitor the market to ensure your policies have up-to-date terms and conditions.
At claim time, we are working for you to obtain a payment as quickly as possible and includes all of your entitlements.
Efficient Process
Our process is simple and efficient. We use simple every day language and do not use industry jargon.
Wealth Protection Portfolio Tailored To Your Needs
Your requirements are specific to you. Our business background ensures we help you identify the risks you and your business face. We discuss alternative solutions with you that may include insurance, partial insurance or no insurance.
Wealth Protection for SME’s & Sole Traders
Our business acumen specialises in Wealth Protection. Former business experience has included in accounting, property, finance and financial services. This provides a stronger background to assist you with your Business Succession Planning and to assist you to identify key person risks within your business.
Our Approach - Professional Advice Delivered Personally
Our approach is premised on providing you with Advice, focusing on quality and your best interests.
Our process is based upon understanding you, your business and your needs (current and future) regarding your lifestyle, family, retirement and wealth goals.
We meet with you in person or online. Achieving your financial goals and protecting your family and business is best facilitated by meeting with both you and your spouse/family/partner. This ensures your wealth creation and protection is importantly designed with input from all participants. Our clients have found, if you and your partner are included in discussions, your process is smoother, more time efficient and ultimately in the best interests for each of you.
Our Remuneration
Fee for Service for Strategic Advisory Services, fully agreed with you upfront, explained in our Terms of Engagement and disclosed in our advice documentation.
We are generally remunerated by the insurers for Insurance Cover, or a blend with fee for service, depending on your needs.
This means you receive personal advice from your Financial Adviser who is working for you (and not the insurer) and customised insurance cover at the same cost as going direct to the insurer and receiving only product advice from a sales representative. Our remuneration is fully disclosed in our Statement of Advice and Financial Services Guide.
Compliance Focused Practice
Our prior accounting and audit background means compliance is forefront of our mind in every step of each process and the practice as a whole.